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Adolescent Suicide risk
Adolescents are at increasing risk of self-harm

Dealing with the increase in adolescent depression and suicide

In recent years, there has been a concerning increase in adolescent depression and suicide rates, drawing attention from researchers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers worldwide. This alarming trend reflects a complex interplay of various factors, including societal changes, increased academic pressure, the pervasive influence of social media, and the COVID-19 pandemic. These factors have converged to create a perfect storm of mental health challenges for today's adolescents.

The COVID-19 pandemic has added another layer of complexity to this issue. Lockdowns, social distancing measures, and remote learning have disrupted the routines and social connections that are crucial for adolescent well-being. Many adolescents have reported feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression as a result of the isolation and uncertainty brought on by the pandemic.

Addressing this concerning increase in adolescent depression and suicide requires a multifaceted approach. Reducing the stigma associated with seeking mental health care and fostering open conversations about mental health can help create a more supportive environment for adolescents to seek help and find hope in difficult times.

school schedules and stress can induce depression
Loss of Sleep Can Result in Depression

The relationship between sleep and depression is a well-established and intricate one.

Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining mental health, and disturbances in sleep patterns often accompany the onset and exacerbation of depressive symptoms. Individuals with depression frequently experience sleep disturbances such as insomnia, characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or early morning awakenings, or hypersomnia, which involves excessive daytime sleepiness and prolonged sleep durations. These disruptions can further exacerbate the depressive symptoms, creating a vicious cycle where depression leads to poor sleep, and poor sleep worsens depression.

Research has shown that sleep and depression are interconnected at a neurobiological level. The regulation of mood and emotions involves intricate neurotransmitter systems, including serotonin and norepinephrine, which also play a role in the regulation of sleep. Imbalances in these neurotransmitters can disrupt both mood and sleep patterns, contributing to the development or persistence of depression.

Addressing sleep disturbances is an essential component of treating and managing depression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) and other sleep-focused interventions can help individuals with depression improve their sleep quality and, in turn, alleviate some of their depressive symptoms.

Conversely, effective treatment of depression can lead to improvements in sleep, as individuals often report better sleep when their mood stabilizes. Recognizing and addressing the intricate connection between sleep and depression is vital in providing comprehensive care for individuals struggling with these conditions.

Improving sleep habits, include turning off all cell phones and computers, lower the temperature of the room to 70 degrees or lower and darken the room as much as possible. The addition of a sleep aid, such as Melatonin, may assist in regulating sleep cycles.

Melatonin may be safely used in this population

Dosages of Melatonin for this population may be as little as 1 mg, but the dosage increases as the child grows. By adolescence, the effective dosage may range from 5 mg to as much as 15 mg. Always use the lowest effective dosage.

For more information, please use the link, below, to a marvelous article on this important topic.


From the National Library of Medicine:

Melatonin use and the risk of self-harm and unintentional injuries in youths with and without psychiatric disorders: Leone M, Kuja-Halkola R,  Lagerberg T, et al:  J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2023): Jul;64(7):1027-1036

Link to the above article:


David S. Klein, MD, FACA, FACPM

1917 Boothe Circle

Longwood, Florida 32750

Tel: 407-679-3337

Fax: 407-678-7246

What do you need when you injury your ankle or foot? What do you need if you are having or expecting to have surgery? Less pain during your recovery time.

If you wait until you are being driven home from the hospital, sorting through how you are going to feed yourself, get the mail and function as an adult, you are going to find yourself in trouble. lf you anticipate the need, get this ahead of your scheduled surgery!

Do not wait until the last minute to find the essentials that you need to survive. The surgeons may not be particularly helpful, here. The physical therapists, vocational rehabilitation specialists and family physicians may not be aware of what you need.

The pillow above, is not the only way to keep your foot elevated, but it is extremely practical and cost-effective. Reduce swelling by elevation, protect the foot from blankets and sheet 'pulling your foot the wrong way.'

For acute injury, this includes fracture and surgery, keeping the extremity elevated results in reduced swelling, and reduced pain. Reducing swelling reduces recovery time!

Worth a try, available to be delivered to your door.

David S. Klein, MD, FACA, FACPM

1917 Boothe Circle

Longwood, Florida 32750

Tel: 407-679-3337

Fax: 407-678-7246


Introducing 'NOX Support:' Opens small blood vessels, improves blood flow and reduces the inconvenience of erectile dysfunction. Natural Supplement for E.D.

There are many products on the market from which to choose. It seems that every week or two, another one emerges. Pay very close attention to the supplement information label, and more importantly, learn what the 'effective dose' is for each of the many ingredients. It is easy for manufacturers to 'sprinkle' a little in, give them a line on the ingredients list, and make it look better. At Stages of Life, we formulate with the effective dose up front, and work out the 'number of capsules per serving,' later. It makes no sense to worry with how many capsules it takes when taking too few results in lower effectiveness. We broke the treatment into two very important supplements that effective help patients with Erectile Dysfunction.

NOX SUPPORT is a beautiful formulation that is helpful to deal with dilating the small arteries, or arterioles in many tissues. This can make it much safer than the Viagra, Cialis or Levitra effects that can influence the heart. NOX SUPPORT will have the same effect on the heart as it does on the genitals, making it very suitable for daily use.

You just never know when it may be 'show time.'


Step Number 2: Stud Mix, 3 capsules at bed time. A natural alternative to prescription ED medications.

Testosterone levels increase at night, usually between 3 and 4 in the morning. If you inhibit the degradation of testosterone to estradiol then, men will awaken with a surprise. It generally takes about 6 weeks of use for this to become a regular event in your love life. As you continue with the regimen, you will find that you need far fewer 'blue pills.'

One of favorite metaphors for designing a patient treatment involves a jigsaw puzzle. Each person, each disease state, each age and gender requires a different twist. So it goes with men and sexuality. When a man reaches the age of 40, his estrogen has already risen to a level that exceeds his (female) partner. This results in a 'dirty trick' of nature that involves the ratio of Testosterone to total estrogens in the blood stream.

For that reason, we add STUD MIX to the regimen. Taken every evening, this natural mixture increases testosterone AND decreases estrogen resulting in a healthier balance. Maximal effect is observed first thing in the morning, so additional time should be allowed on work days.

The combination of morning/afternoon use of NOX Support with evening use of STUD MIX results in dramatic improvement in performance.

David S. Klein, MD, FACA, FACPM

1917 Boothe Circle

Longwood, Florida 32750

Tel: 407-679-3337

Fax: 407-678-7246

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