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Writer's pictureDavid S Klein, MD

Weight Loss Suggestions: Avoid fructose and two products you should try.

The sweetener fructose, sometimes labelled as 'high fructose corn syrup,' is found in many processed foods, soft drinks and confections. 

NOTE WELL:  This is the carbohydrate found in those wonderful fruit drinks that we feed our little children. This may be one of the main issues leading to pediatric obesity.

1. It has  been found to cause leptin resistance, one of the hormones found to control hunger, thereby linking it directly to weight gain and obesity.

Shapiro A, Mu W, Roncal CA, et al: Fructose-induced leptin resistance exacerbates weight gain in response to subsequent high fat feeding. Am J Physiol Regul Integ Comp Physiol. 2008.

2. Fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has been found to be as addictive, if not more addictive than alcohol, tobacco, opiates and cocaine.

3. When combined with salt, and saturated fats, (e.g. candy, ice cream, coffee creamer), it is even more addictive.

4. Sadly, pediatric obesity is a leading risk factor for adult obesity. Due to both development of unhealthy eating habits, it changes the nature of the insulin receptor, leading to insulin resistance syndrome, pre-diabetes, and the game is heading for a big time disaster.

5. Focus on Hemoglobin A1c as a primary medical indicator of how well the patient is doing ignores the fact that A1c remains within what is now considered to be 'normal' for at least 10 years before the patient is handed the 'DIABETES' diagnosis.

Insist that your doctor monitor insulin to glucose ratios several times a year. In health, the lower the insulin level, the better.

Optimal insulin levels are below 10, best if below 5. When insulin levels climb above 15, it is time to take action.

Glucose levels optimally should be below 85. When the level creeps above 90, it is time to take action.

The insulin receptor is very, very complex. There are hundreds of places in insulin receptor metabolism that are vulnerable to dysfunction. This is why the approach to lowering blood sugar is not as easy as a selection of a single medication. You simply have to use the right approach to fix the problem, AS IT EXISTS.

Actions to be taken:

  1. Avoid eating prepared foods that contain high fructose corn syrup, dextrin, dextrose or 'added sugar.'

  2. Look to 'Weight Watchers' for diet suggestions. For the money, it is a great program.

  3. Supplements should include a balanced chelate containing the appropriate amounts of zinc, selenium, chromium and vanadium.

    1. NOTE: Too much can be dangerous. Ask your physician for advice.

    2. Suggestions from Stages of Life will be listed, below. You can do this on your own, if you pay close attention not only to the dose of the mineral, but also the form that is in. The chemical moiety affects absorption, toxicity and dosing.

  4. Herbal products that improve insulin resistance include olive leaf extract, green tea extract, inositol. and bergamot. There are many others, and I plan to discuss them, later.

When starting an insulin resistance or diabetes mellitus nutraceutical program, it is best to start with the basic replacements, and then introduce them one at a time, observing morning (fasting is best) glucose levels. You can do this with a finger stick machine, or your physician can order the glucose and insulin blood work. Try to stay consistent with all medicine usage and try to get the blood work done at a consistent time of the day.

Start with a complete vitamin and mineral product. It need not be expensive, but the quality of the ingredients is of paramount importance. When you buy 'store brand' products, they tend to move toward the cheapest ingredients and they are not necessarily consistent in potency.


Down to basics without iron is where I prefer to start. We have a sister product with iron, but it can cause constipation and iron deficiency is not all that common.

Weight loss with down to basics
Weight loss starts with a complete multivitamin-mineral complex

Down to basics is very strong, and should be taken two capsules with breakfast and two capsules with lunch. If causes upset stomach, start with 1 capsule twice daily, and then increase 1 capsule per day, per week, until you get to 2 capsules twice daily.

After a month of the Down to Basics, you ADD to the multivitamin an additional dosage of vanadium & chromium, with cinnamon and alpha lipoic added. The product is called "DiabetStat." One of these twice daily with meals is as much as you should take. DO NOT TAKE additional zinc, vanadium or chromium, as the combination of the Down to Basics with Diabet Stat gets you to the safe limit of these minerals.

Vitamins for weight loss and diabetes
Diabet Stat 1 capsule twice daily

After a month on the Down to Basics and Diabet Stat, you can start Berberine 500 mg twice daily, inositol 500 mg (2 twice daily) and Olive Leaf Extract


pharmaceutical grade vitamins, minerals, and herbals
Stages of Life

David S. Klein, MD, FACA, FACPM

Stages of LIfe Medical Institute

Longwood, Florida, 32750

Tel: 407-679-3337

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