Foot pain is an extremely common complaint. Often the result of 'shoe trauma,' attractive yet uncomfortable high heels, tight shoes and daily wear and tear, the result can be an annoying interference with your daily activities. Get relief of inflammatory foot pain using an inexpensive, rapid acting cream.
The most common joint affected by arthritis is the MP joint of the great toe. If left untreated, it can result in the deformity known as a bunion. As with most minor annoyances, if left alone and ignored, it will get worse over time and become an increasingly important impairment to comfort.
Arthritis here can result in pain with walking, standing, reaching overhead. Over time, arthritis at this point can result in bunion deformity and reduced flexibility of the foot.
Over 20 years ago, I developed a transdermal high-concentration MSM salve, to treat my daughter's horse. The creature suffered from inflammation of the knees & hocks. The alternative was veterinary injections, costing over $400 each, and horses, after all, have four of these joints to inject. The salve penetrated horse-hide, and is being used to this day on horses and other animals.
With humans, I have had very good response using the high concentration MSM cream, Kink-Ease. Begins to ease pain in about 5 minutes, it does not stink or stain, and it is very inexpensive.
Best applied before climbing into bed, it should be used several times, daily. Effects last 2-4 hours, or more. After a day or two, the duration of action increases to 3-4 hours, and often longer than that.
The major side-effect is that the cream acts as a skin softener. If you use it on your feet, the callouses will soften, and the skin exfoliates. Nobody seems to mind this side effect.
For more information:
David S. Klein, MD, FACA, FACPM
Stages of Life Medical Institute
Longwood, Florida 32750